Today, we sent the following letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
This is our second letter to the PM and, as we did last time and will continue to do, we are publishing it here as an open letter in the hope that other businesses might be inspired to follow suit.
This is part of our ongoing promise that we will share every step of our journey towards becoming a regenerative business; one which walks the walk and acts in every way possible to effect positive change. Avery & Brown is determined to prove that businesses - even ones as small as ours - really can be a force for good.
Please follow our journey by staying tuned to Outpost and by following us on
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Thursday 24th June 2021
Dear Prime Minister Johnson,
Following my last letter to you on 3rd June, I am writing to you again to ask you to take urgent and immediate action to tackle the climate and ecological crises.
You have had a huge amount to deal with over the past 18 months or so due to the outbreak of Covid-19. There is no denying that. But the challenges presented by the pandemic pale in comparison to those presented by the climate crisis.
The enormous changes brought about by the climate emergency, which continues to worsen at an alarming rate, will put huge pressure on every single area of the country and its people. Furthermore, even if we start taking action now, climate chaos will likely take far more lives than the pandemic has.
People, including children, are already dying due to air pollution. And air quality is just one component of a much bigger problem which includes issues such as water scarcity, food supply, and the increasing prevalence and severity of extreme weather events. Britain – although it is in a much more fortunate geographical situation than many countries – is not immune to any of these.
We must take radical action now, and the Government must lead the way.
We need a war-scale effort to: rewild the country - both our land and our seas; radically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions; transition to 100% renewable energy; prepare for extreme weather events such as floods and droughts; and turn to regenerative agricultural methods to ensure security of food supply while simultaneously drawing down more carbon from the atmosphere and increasing biodiversity.
The climate tipping points which scientists keep warning us about could be reached any minute. Indeed, the recent IPCC report indicates that they will likely happen far sooner than previously expected, or that we may have already passed some. The scientists are also warning us that, when reached, the various tipping points could topple like dominoes. Under no circumstances whatsoever can we allow this to happen. It could quite literally be the death of all of us.
All we need is action.
Let's pull together as a nation. Let’s be the pioneers of a new green global economy which focuses not on endless economic growth, but on regenerating the health of the planet for the benefit of all people and all living species. Economic growth will follow as a result. We have achieved great things as a nation before and we can do it again. Let’s be the climate leader the world so desperately needs right now and encourage other countries to follow suit.
You can make this happen, Prime Minister. You can and you must. And the time is now.
Yours sincerely,
Russ Avery & Tim Brown
Founders & Directors of Avery & Brown - a digital marketing and creative agency which puts people and planet on par with profit.