Today, we sent the following letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
We are publishing the core content here and on LinkedIn as an open letter in the hope that other businesses might be inspired to follow suit. This is part of the promise we made that we will share every step of our journey towards becoming a regenerative business, one which walks the walk and acts in every way possible to effect positive change.
Dear Prime Minister,
We are writing to you today to ask you to take urgent and immediate action to tackle the climate and ecological crises.
If we listen to scientists, it is clear - and has been for at least three decades - that time is rapidly running out to avoid catastrophic and irreversible tipping points. We desperately need radical change on a massive scale. We believe that you, Prime Minister, can and must lead the charge.
Great Britain has made pledges aplenty, but action remains woefully inadequate. The Government is not on track to meet its fourth or fifth Carbon Budget commitments, let alone being on track to meet any from the sixth. Slashing emissions by 78% by 2035 simply isn’t going to happen at the current rate of progress. As for achieving net zero by 2050... how? The effort and the changes required to achieve that are monumental, and action simply isn’t happening quickly enough or, in some cases, at all.
Prime Minister, you have a very real opportunity here to help turn things around and make the UK a shining example to the rest of the world of the benefits brought about by tackling the climate crisis head on and contributing to the creation of a new green economy; one which is not just sustainable but regenerative.
The Government, businesses and individuals must all come together to turn Great Britain into an island nation which is not only resilient to the effects of climate change, but which also actively contributes to tackling the issue for the benefit of the rest of the world and all living species. The health of humans, animals and the natural environment are intricately linked. Endless economic growth based on mass consumerism is simply not possible. We live on a planet with finite resources, yet resource depletion continues at an alarming rate.
The window is still open for us to start moving in the right direction and turn things around. But we must act now. We don't need any more pledges or promises. We need action. And we need our government to lead from the front.
This is the decisive decade for humanity’s future on Earth. Everything is at stake. Please be the leader we need during this most critical time in our history.
Yours sincerely,
Russ Avery & Tim Brown
Founders & Directors of Avery & Brown - a digital marketing and creative agency which puts people and planet on par with profit.